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Mrs. Delgado

Gabriela Delgado
708) 333-0440 Ext. 501

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English Learner Programs

To establish an effective program for English Learners, Harvey Public Schools has developed a district-wide effort to promote best instructional practices for ELs. A vision and mission has been created to work towards making effective improvements and continuous progress in the bilingual programming models. The program leadership will work cooperatively with all stakeholders; set rigorous expectations; have standards aligned to curriculum, instruction, and assessment; and emphasize consistent monitoring of student progress and teacher instruction. Harvey Public Schools District 152 will work on building that level of support for language and cultural diversity as well as providing professional development for teachers. Parents involvement is key to student progress and all efforts will be made to involve EL parents in the schools.

Program Description

TBE (Transitional Bilingual Education) Program:  20 or more students with the same language

When an attendance center has an enrollment of 20 or more English learners of the same language classification the school district must establish a transitional bilingual education (TBE) program for each language classification represented by those students. (Section 14C-3 of the School Code) (See Section 228.30(c) of this Part.). The Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) program is designed to provide native-language instruction in the native language to students who qualify for appropriate services. These services are offered in grade PreK-8 and may consist of bilingual instruction in the native language and English or only ESL classes with language support based on students’ needs as determined by the WIDA screener or ACCESS test results.

TPI (Transitional Program of Instruction):  19 or fewer students with the same language

When an attendance center has an enrollment of 19 or fewer English learners of any single language classification other than English, the school district shall conduct an individual student language assessment to determine each student's need for home language instruction and may provide a transitional bilingual program in the languages other than English common to these students. The Transitional Program of Instruction program is for students whose first language is a language other than English and who have difficulty with written or spoken English. The program provides support to assist in the acquisition of English and success in academic subjects.